Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blog Post #5

                                            Death with Dignity Act

Thesis statement: Every Terminally ill patient should have the right to die with dignity and in peace.
      I.        What is the Death with Dignity Act?

A.   Allows terminally ill patients to be prescribed lethal medication as an aid in dying.
    II.        What is the process in becoming a Death with Dignity Act candidate?
A.   Must be diagnosed by two doctors to have 6 months or less to live.
B.   Candidate must be competent and receive a mental health evaluation.
C.   Reside in a state that offers assisted suicide.
   III.        What states have passed the Death with Dignity Act?
A.   Oregon
B.   Washington
C.   Vermont
  IV.        How terminally ill patients view Physician assisted suicide.
A.   Promotes human dignity
B.   Pain free death
C.   Loved ones by their side
D.   Dying on their terms
E.   Not having to experience the loss of bodily functions, or the basic body functions
F.    Not falling into a comatose state, which has other risks (bed sores ect.)
G.   Not being dependent on caregiver/family
   V.        Opponents of the Death with Dignity act.
A.   Feels it devalues human life.
B.   Feel it’s an easy way out.
C.   Believes they should make use of nursing homes.
D.   Heavily medicate to attempt to keep patient comfortable.
E.   Fear people will abuse it
F.    Fear the lower class will resort to it due to financial issues.
Conclusion: The Death with Dignity Act promotes human dignity for terminally ill patients. It gives them the ability to have control over their final days/ months of life. They know soon they will not be able to enjoy things they once enjoyed doing. More than likely they will be dependent on a caregiver, and in time will no longer be able to do the basics of life. Physician assisted suicide should be considered a positive resource for terminally ill patients, rather than an easy way out. They have the right to die peacefully on their terms surrounded by the ones they love.

I commented on Monica's blog and Brittany's blog.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog Post #4

The purpose of my paper is to identify the similarities and differences of a Registered  Nurse (RN) and a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). As a CNA, and a pre-nursing student I decided to use both for my compare and contrast essay. I find it to be a motivation tool as well, sometimes the thought of being in school for that long is terrifying. Looking at this gives me a boost to want to further my education and become the Nurse I've always wanted to be.

I commented on Laurence and Courtney's blog

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blog post #3

"I want a wife" by Judy Brady. Brady describes the everyday duties and expectations of a mother and wife. She expresses that their wants and needs are often  unimportant and that they are not appreciated for the dedication and hard work they provide for their family. Brady explains she wants a wife as well, one that will take care of everything and never expect anything in return.  I believe Brady’s purpose of the article is to make people aware of all the time they put into having a family and all of the personal sacrifices they make as well. 

 "Men-It's in Their Nature" by Christina Hoff Sommers. Sommers describes the expectations of gender roles between boys and girls. Boys are considered greater risk takers and girls are more nurturing."Boys like action,competitive roughhousing, and inanimate objects, and they are the one group of Americans who do not spend a lot of time talking about feelings." Gender reformers are set in place to re socialize boys, freeing them from male stereotypes. (Sommers 366) Masculine traits are thought to be hard wired in males.

I will be writing about "I want a wife" by Judy Brady for my analysis essay. I find this article to be very interesting. I like how she uses sarcasm in her article, I can relate to a lot of the duties of being a mother and wife. But, I can say my hard work is always noticed and appreciated around here.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Favorite place....

   As the beautiful colors of fall cover the ground, and the sound of birds chirping and splashing around in the water. I cannot help but feel relaxed. In the corner of my eye I spot a beautiful flicker soundlessly making his way to the feeder with no fear in the world.  I can hear the sounds of a tractor plowing the field off in the distance, and spot two young eagles soaring above.  I hear a soft noise to the left of me and catch a glimpse of a doe and her fawn as they graze passed me.

The wind slightly picks up and a hint of a tropical fragrance breezes passed my nose. As I take in this lovely smell, I am surprised by a drop of water that hits the top of my head, I suddenly feel chilly.  As I sip on my delicious hot coffee, I can feel the warmth coming back through my body.  Suddenly, I realize how lucky I am to have such a relaxing and breathtaking view right here in front of me. 

 *Note: This picture is actually from spring, but I wanted to give you an image*

I commented on  Courtney's blog and Megan's blog.